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Selwood Housing

Selwood Housing Group reduces workplace stress-related absence


“The silent epidemic” – a disturbing phrase used to describe poor mental health in the construction industry during the first annual conference organised by the IOSH Construction Group late last year.

When we think of construction sites and the individuals who work on them, we may picture hardhats, portable toilets and comradery between colleagues. We are less likely to consider that many of the hard-working men and women in the construction industry could be suffering in silence from mental health issues, lacking in support from their work colleagues and struggling to find a voice.

The stark reality of mental ill-health in the sector lays bare the desperate need for greater efforts to support staff wellbeing. The Office for National Statistics, commissioned by Public Health England, examined deaths registered in England between 2011 and 2015 and found the risk of suicide among low-skilled male labourers, particularly those working in construction roles, is 3 times higher than the male national average…

Read the full article on the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health website.